Nyt ei ole kirjoituksia.
- ei tarinoita
- ei mietteitä
- ei seikkailua
On vaian 1 laulu!
Sen ymmärtäminen sävelistä on varmasti helppoa, sanojen taas ehkä vaikeampaa.
Harvapa meistä Koreaa osaa, sen vuoksi kappaleen sanat ovat alla
käännettynä englanniksi.
When things were so hard, that I was tired of living.
When nothing was going my way...
When I hadn´t even seen my family
- and even I wasn´t important to myself in this world,
where one must hare more to continue with love:
All of my life.
You are all of my life!
When I look at myself, I changed so much after meeting you.
I began to have dreams and I wanted to make your dreams come true too...
In order to do that, I had to go up higher.....
I had to have more things, just when I had everything.
My dreams became bigger than love.
All of my life.
When I was struggling....
You are all of my life!
You filled me up.
I try filling myself up with other things....
All of my life.
You are all of my life.
But I couldn´t be filled, that´s what we wanted and we so desperate
for now my room is so filled up.
But were you in there alone, without me crying?
All of my life.
You are my everything!
What use is all of this?
If you listening this song somewhere, all of my life....
All of my life.
Yes, this is about you
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